Green hydrogen plays a starring role in the energy transition and decarbonization of the economy. The capacity of electrolyzers that produce hydrogen from green power is constantly growing. Fuel cell systems for the efficient, clean conversion of hydrogen into electricity use a process that is the inverse of electrolyzers, but like electrolyzers, they consist of individual cells and stacks that are connected to create high voltage strings.

High-voltage monitoring and current measurement
In order to detect defects and signs of wear on electrolysis or fuel cells, it is necessary to continuously and accurately measure stack and string voltages up to 1500 V. Depending on the electrolysis method used, it may also be necessary to monitor high currents in the three to four-digit ampere range, as well as the temperatures within the system.
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Why Knick?
Thanks to their high isolation and reliability, the high-voltage transducers and signal conditioners from Knick have already proven themselves in many hydrogen applications. Since electrolyzers are often operated at remote locations, plant availability is highly dependent on both the reliability and low level of maintenance of the measuring technology. Our voltage and current transducers and temperature transmitters meet these requirements perfectly.
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