Knick Seminars: Know-How from Specialists for Specialists.
Our engineers and technicians impart practical expertise on measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen as well as how to approach modern measurement technology.
Our seminars are aimed at technicians and engineers, who want to broaden and freshen up their knowledge. It includes many practical exercises.

We offer the following seminars

Process Analytics Seminar in Berlin

Training for transmitters and sensors in Ratingen

Process Analytics Seminar in Berlin

Training for fittings: Maintenance and repair in Ratingen
Tailor-Made Seminars
Valuable Tips and Tricks for Successfully Using Our Devices and Solutions.
In a two-day intensive course, you will acquire knowledge focusing on the planning, commissioning, maintenance, and repair of measuring loops and applications.
Get better acquainted with Knick products and create your own training package based on our workshop modules. Hands-on training is possible at our training center in Berlin or your premises.
Modular seminars can include the following topics and be individually adapted to fit your needs:
- Adjustment, calibration, and cleaning
- Preventive diagnostic capabilities
- Hands-on practice and troubleshooting
- Practical maintenance tips for fittings
- The basics of liquid analysis
Dates: Please contact us if you are interested.
Seminars are only available in German!
On-Site Training at Your Facility:
Knick also offers customized in-house seminars directly at your site - individually adapted to the specific needs of your company. Of course, you can also design the training content yourself. We would be happy to coordinate the date, time, and location.

We are happy to provide customized professional advice.
Contact us!

Knick Training Center in Berlin
We offer product and application-relevant seminars and workshops at our training center in Berlin. If you are not interested in face-to-face training, we also offer you the option of online training. Please send us your inquiry.