Analítica de processos para a indústria alimentícia

A Knick aconselha e apoia empresas da indústria alimentícia na análise de líquidos com segurança de processo. Os parâmetros críticos para esses processos são o oxigênio, pH e condutividade. Os pontos de medição são frequentemente expostos a condições adversas e estão localizados em áreas críticas, com zonas Ex.

Um amplo portfólio de sensores, analisadores de processo, suportes e sondas e de sistemas de limpeza e calibração permite à Knick oferecer soluções e serviços sob medida.

Farmacêutica & Biotecnologia
Alimentos & Bebidas
Água & Águas Residuais


Delivery of raw milk at a diary

Quality Control for Raw Milk Delivery

High quality requirements are placed on raw milk, and online monitoring of truck unloading procedure at the dairy prevents inferior quality (sour milk) from spoiling the entire stock of the storage tank.

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Monitoring Brewery Processes

The taste and quality of beer greatly depend on the quality of the water used to brew it. pH and conductivity measurements determine its quality. Globalization is putting massive competitive pressure…

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Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Depending on the sector, industrial wastewater is polluted by heavy metals, grease, oil, alkaline substances or, as in the paper and soap sectors, organic substances that can only be neutralized or separated with great effort.

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Monitoring Sugar Production

pH sensors are subject to extreme requirements during sugar production. Lime is dosed based on pH measurement right from the start: during the beet washing phase, in which water is made alkaline by adding calcium oxide to neutralize the acidic soil from the field that is still clinging to the beets…

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