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P32300 저항 트랜스미터 | SIL 2 / SIL 3 기능안전


P32300 저항 트랜스미터 | SIL 2 / SIL 3 기능안전

The universal P32300 resistance transmitters provide connection possibilities for all standard potentiometers for angle, path or position detection up to 50 kohms. They can be flexibly adapted to the respective measuring task using DIP and rotary encoder switches or via an IrDA port.

  • Universal usability
    with potentiometers, resistive sensors, remote resistance transducers, and similar sensors
  • Convenient setting
    of all parameters via IrDA port. Uncomplicated, menu-guided adjustment also “on site” including archiving of the configuration data
  • Intuitive configuration
    of basic parameters. Easy, without tools, using 4 rotary and 8 DIP switches
  • Calibrated range selection
    No complicated trimming
  • Convenient adjustment
    Zero point and sensitivity adjustable via IrDA port. Simulation of any desired output values for correct installation/commissioning
  • Protective separation
    according to EN 61140 – protection of the maintenance staff and subsequent devices against excessively high voltages up to 300 V AC/DC
  • Functional safety
    up to SIL 2 (up to SIL 3 in case of redundant configuration) with TÜV certificate Systematically developed according to EN 61508
  • High accuracy
    due to innovative circuit design
  • Minimum space consumption
    in the enclosure. Only 6 mm wide modular housing. More transmitters per meter of mounting rail
  • Low-cost assembly
    Quick mounting, convenient connection of the power supply through DIN rail bus connectors (in case of 24 V DC power supply)
  • 5-year warranty

3-port isolation with protective separation up to 300 V AC/DC according to EN 61140 ensures optimal protection of personnel and equipment as well as unaltered transmission of the measurement signals.

The P32300 offer maximum performance in the smallest of spaces. Adjusting the start and end value to the individual position sensor is particularly convenient via the infrared interface, for example using a PDA. Sensors with known characteristics can be very easily calibrated using 4 rotary encoder switches and 8 DIP switches.

Special measuring tasks can be solved with SensoTrans devices that Knick configures according to individual specifications. Fixed-range devices without switches are used, for example, when manipulations or mix-ups must be precluded.

Knick offers the P32300 transmitter with SIL approval for applications with high demands on functional safety. The requirements of EN 61508 were implemented through specially developed hardware and software. The implemented fail-safe concept makes use of structural measures at the device level (redundancy of system components) and diagnostic methods for selective fault detection. The product is SIL 2 approved (EN 61508) by an authorized body (TÜV Rheinland). SIL 3 in redundant implementations.

여러분의 의견을 기다리겠습니다!

기술 세부 정보

전위 차단 AC/DC: 최대 300 V
기능: 저항 및 전위차계 위치 측정
입력: 저항, 전위차계
출력: 0 ... (±)5 V, 0 ... 10 V, 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA
최소 시험 전압: 2.5 kV AC
전원 공급장치: 24 V DC
작동 환경 온도: 0 … 55 (65) °C
치수(W x L x H): 6.2 x 93 x 101 mm
특장점: 6 mm 외함 내 저항 및 전위차계용 트랜스미터, PC를 통한 환경 설정용 인터페이스, 간단하고 직관적인 환경 설정을 위한 로터리 스위치 및 DIP 스위치, 최대 SIL 3의 안전 회로용
표준: UL 508
제품 카테고리: 측정 변환기


사용 설명서 (매뉴얼)

[13390] User Manual (DE, EN, FR, ES)
ZU 0677 (Power terminal block)
Version 03
[1500] User Manual (DE, EN, FR)
P32300 P0/ ...
Version 03
[1492] User Manual (DE, EN, FR)
Version 04

데이터 시트

[1484] 데이터 시트
제품 설명 | 명세서 | 제품 범위


[11665] TÜV Rheinland Certificate
No. 968/EZ 272.00/07 | 2007-10-12
Transmitter Series P32*** P0/1
EN 61508 |SlL2, SIL3
[11418] Certificate of Compliance (UL)
No. 20181015-E220033 | 2018-OCTOBER-15
P32*00P0/**, A202*0P0..., BL520
[11256] CB Test Certificate
No. DE 2-036775 | 2022-10-11
P32000, P32100, P32200, P32300, A20210, A20220, A20230
[13789] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
A20210P0, P32100P0, A20220P0, P32200P0, A20230P0, P32300P0, P32000P0
No. EU231123A | 2023-11-23

Safety guides

[1383] SIL Safety Manual
Version 02


[11876] Knick Produktmakros (.pdf)
ePLAN Electric P8
[12154] Software (.zip)
ePLAN P8 Produktmakros


프로세스 또는 애플리케이션에서 사용

전류, 전압, 온도, 회전 속도, 변형 및 저항 신호의 측정과 변환을 위한 고전압 절연 증폭기 및 트랜스미터.
까다로운 분야에서의 사용을 위한 장기적으로 안정적인 고전압 절연 증폭기, 트랜스미터 및 신호 배율기

관련 제품

관련 블로그 게시물

Robust WA111 Retractable Fitting Made of Plastic for Highly Corrosive Operating Conditions

The plastic WA111 retractable fitting is a robust and cost-effective solution for corrosive processes and environments. It is equipped with a secure lock function and multiple nozzles for thorough sensor cleaning.

Successful joint project : Knick developed the special Ceramat WA 155 retractable fitting for optical probes from SOPAT

In cooperation with SOPAT, Knick developed a special Ceramat fitting for optical probes for automatic cleaning in fouling processes.

(현장에서) 휴대용으로 사용할 수 있는 고품질의 침적식 피팅

저희 Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG는 pH, 전도도 및 용존 산소의 휴대용 측정에 사용할 수 있는 침적식 피팅 ARD 170을 출시합니다. 제품을 설계 시, 간단하고 유연한 취급이 가능하도록 심혈을 기울였습니다.

방폭 지역에서의 사용을 위한 전기 전도성이 있는 버전의

저희 Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG는 전기 전도성이 있는 버전(EL)의 침적식 피팅 ARD 50 EL 및 ARD 75 EL의 출시를 통해 액상 분석용 피팅의 포트폴리오를 확장했습니다. 이 2개의 산업용 피팅은 모듈식 구조로 되어있어 응용 분야에 맞는 센서를 선택할 수 있는 폭이 넓습니다.

How to get the sensor into the process

Sensors as the direct interface to the process must be exactly matched to the chemistry of the measured medium and to the prevailing pressure and temperature conditions.