765 Laboratory pH Meter | Automatic device test (Fullcheck) and calibration (Calimatic) | Records for QM documentation according to ISO 9000 and GLP
Equipped with an exemplary package of safety functions
- Fullcheck automatic device test
- Records for QM documentation to ISO 9000 and GLP
- Trueline calibrated analog recorder output, galvanically isolated
- Electrode monitoring with Sensoface icons
- Automatic calibration with patented Calimatic
automatically checks the device functions during power-on. Also during operation, a complete instrument check can be carried out at a single keystroke. Here, also display and keypad are checked besides the electrical characteristics.
Record printouts
With record printouts of the device self-test, the calibration, and the parameter settings, it is possible (as part of quality management to ISO 9000 and GLP) to document the serviceability and the regular maintenance and calibration of the unit.
checks the electrode and provides information on the electrode condition. The zero, slope, response time, and glass impedance of the electrode as well as the calibration interval are evaluated.
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