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Portavo 904X PH Portable pH/ORP Transmitter | Memosens/Analog Sensors | Ex Zone 0/1 | Data Logger


Portavo 904X PH Portable pH/ORP Transmitter | Memosens/Analog Sensors | Ex Zone 0/1 | Data Logger

The world's only portable process analyzer for pH/ORP measurement, for use in hazardous locations. Ideal for applications in the process industry.

  • Use in hazardous locations
  • Memosens sensors or analog sensors for pH or ORP measurement can be used with one device
  • Sensor quiver protects the sensor from drying out and damage
  • Sturdy housing with IP66/67 protection, also suitable for outdoor use
  • Data logger with 5,000 values
  • Micro USB port and Paraly SW 112 operating software
  • Mineral glass screen can still be read perfectly after many years
  • Custom pH calibration Cal SOP
  • User management for access control
  • Sensor verification for clear assignment of the sensor to the device via sensor type, TAG, or group
  • Temperature detector adjustment in the Memosens sensor (offset correction)

For the first time, Portavo makes it possible to check process measuring points directly on site. Memosens or analog pH and ORP sensors can be connected to the Portavo.

The MemoLog function enables the logging of calibration data from various Memosens measuring points. Up to 5,000 values can be recorded using the integrated data logger. Using the USB port and Paraly SW112 software, the logger data can be easily transferred to a PC for evaluation.

Custom pH Calibration

The Cal SOP calibration procedure allows pH sensors to be checked with up to 3 calibration points. A buffer is used as the verification buffer. The buffer set for each calibration point can be separately selected, thus also allowing their order to be determined.

Custom buffer solutions can be used, or choose from a list of commercially available buffer solutions, e.g., CaliMat, NIST, and DIN. A maximum permissible deviation (Delta pH) is entered for the verification buffer.

Security Package, Including
User Management
Professional user management regulates access to the device and the sensor.

  • Increased security for configuration, calibration, measurement data, and data logger settings.
  • No unauthorized interventions during the operating cycle
  • Up to 4 user profiles can be set
  • Different access rights can be established

Depending on the user’s experience, the role profile can optionally be defined for configuration of the device and sensor or for sensor calibration. This clearly minimizes the risk of inadvertently changing settings.

Greater Reliability During Operation
Memosens sensors can be assigned directly to the Portavo using the data stored in the sensor, such as

  • Sensor type
  • TAG
  • Group

Unambiguous assignment of the sensor to the device reduces the potential for errors. This ensures that only the right sensors are used for the selected measuring point.

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Technical details

Additional features: Sensor verification, Temperature Adjustment, User management
Channels: 1 channel
Data Logger: data logger with 5,000 entries
Display: LCD STN 7-segment display with 3 lines and icons
Measurement Parameter: pH, pH/ORP, ORP
permanently installed / portable: portable
Explosion protection: Yes
Enclosure: PA12 GF30 (silver gray RAL 7001) + TPE (black)
Product Line: Portavo



[1904] User Manual
Portavo 904(X) pH
Version 03
[16855] ChangeLog Firmware History
Portavo 904
Document version 1.4.0
[12673] User Manual
Software Paraly SW 112
Version 05
[13862] Safety Guide
Portavo 900 Series
Version 04


[16192] Brochure
Portavo (Overview)

Data Sheets

[1838] Data sheet
Portavo 904X pH
Product Description | Specifications | Product Range
[2022] Datasheet
Overview of Portavo


[9759] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU210706A | 2021-07-06
Serie Portavo 90*X*
[7412] EU Type-Examination Certificate
DEKRA 12ATEX0094, Issue Number 3 | 2021-07-02
Measuring System Type Portavo 90*X*
[12678] IECEx Certificate of Conformity
No.: IECEx DEK 12.0059 | 21-07-02
Measuring System Type Portavo 90*X*
Issue No. 2


[12703] Software
Paraly SW 112 PC Software
[18054] Software
KnUT (Knick Update Tool)

Our service

Used in Process or Applications

Quality control of the raw water used in the treatment of drinking water is key.

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