Stratos Eco 2405 CONDI Inductive Conductivity Transmitter | Analog Sensors | Ex FM Cl 1 Div 2 | 4-Wire

High-tech analyzer for conductivity measurements with analog 2- and 4-electrode sensors
- Simple installation: large terminal compartment, preassembled cabinet
- Wall, post/pipe or panel mounting
- Application in hazardous locations (FM Class Div 2)
- Large, high-contrast display
- Easy and intuitive operation
- Optical alarm signaling by bright red LED
- Temperature display either in °C or °F
- Easy calibration with process mediu
- 2nd current output for temperature measurement
- 2 floating relay contacts
- Sensocheck continuous sensor monitoring
- Sensoface preventive maintenance indication
- Calimatic automatic buffer recognition
- VariPower® power supply for 24 to 230 V AC/DC
- Concentration display (conductivity)
- Reset to factory settings possible
- 3-year warranty
Simultaneous display of conductivity/resistance/salinity and temperature; large unit symbols.
Icons provide operating notes and signal unusual operating states; status displays provide information on the current operating mode.
Connectible Sensors
- Many conventional European and American toroidal sensors
- Temperature detector Pt100, Pt1000, NTC 100 kΩ
2 或 4 线: | 4 线制 |
permanently installed / portable: | permanently installed |
产品线: | Stratos, Stratos Eco |
外壳: | Molded enclosure made of PBT (polybutylene terephtalate), glass bead reinforced |
是否防爆: | NI Class I Div 2 |
显示器: | 带符号的 7 段显示器 |
测量参数: | 电导率(感应式) |

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