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SE202 2-Electrode Conductivity Sensor | Stainless Steel Body | For media with low to very low conductivity


SE202 2-Electrode Conductivity Sensor | Stainless Steel Body | For media with low to very low conductivity


  • 2 个电极同轴排列
  • 不锈钢机身
  • 内置温度检测器
  • 最小浸入深度 30 毫米

SE202 型电导率传感器采用不锈钢机身,用于测量低电导率至极低电导率介质的电导率。它集成了温度检测器。





Connecting head material: POM
Pressure: 2 bar (relative)
分辨率: 0.01 μS/cm
密封: 氟橡胶
杆材料: 不锈钢 1.4571
测量参数: 电导率(接触式)
测量范围: 0 … 200 µS/cm
浸入深度: 最小 30 毫米/1.18 英寸
温度: –5 … 100 °C (23 ... 212 °F)
温度检测器: Pt1000
电极: 同轴布置,1.4571 不锈钢
电极直径: 12 毫米/0.47 英寸
电池常数: 0.1 cm–1
电缆: 固定电缆(长度:1.5 米/4.90 英尺)
轴长: 120 毫米/4.72 英寸



[2112] User Manual
SE202 Conductivity Sensor
Version 01


[18012] Data Sheet
SE202 Conductivity Sensor
Product Description | Specifications | Product Range


[14516] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU210621A | 2021-06-21
Analog Sensors, non Ex


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How to get the sensor into the process

Sensors as the direct interface to the process must be exactly matched to the chemistry of the measured medium and to the prevailing pressure and temperature conditions.