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PH 3400X-035 pH/氧化还原测量模块 | 用于 Protos | 模拟 pH 传感器| | 防爆


PH 3400X-035 pH/氧化还原测量模块 | 用于 Protos | 模拟 pH 传感器| | 防爆




传感器: 数字式 ISM 传感器, 标准传感器
测量参数: pH, 氧化还原



[14553] Installation Guide
PH 3400(X)-035 模块
Protos II 4400(X) / Protos 3400 (X)
[1160] User Manual
Measuring Module Protos PH 3400(X)-035
Version 09


[16304] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU210713A | 2021-07-13
Protos Measuring Module pH 3400X-033
[14326] EU Type-Examination Certificate
No. KEMA 03ATEX2530 | 2022-07-28 | Issue No. 11
Protos 3400X, Protos II 4400X & Modules
[7018] IECEx Certificate of Conformity
No. IECEx DEK 11.0054 | 2022-07-28
3400X, Protos II 4400X & Module
Issue No. 5
[12581] Certitficate of Conformity (China - Ex NEPSI)
Protos 3400X, Protos II 4400X & Module
Cert No. GYJ20.1054 | 2025-08-19
[16762] Certificate of Conformity (FM)
No. FM19CA0127X (Canada)
Protos 3400X, Protos II 4400X & Module
26 January 2023
[14655] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
Protos Type 3400X*/***& Protos II Type 4400X*/***
No. EU221019A | 2022-10-19


[16770] Control Drawing
Protos 3400X, Protos II 4400X & Modules
Zeichnungsnummer 201.003-170 page 1 rev.4



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