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分流电阻 | 高过载能力 | 不受外部磁场的影响


分流电阻 | 高过载能力 | 不受外部磁场的影响

Precise and long-term stable measurement of direct current

  • For currents up to 20 kA
    with a standard program from 10 A to 8 kA

  • Low heat loss and low space requirement
    due to small measuring voltages from 30 mV

  • Precise measurement
    with accuracy classes 0.2 and 0.5

  • Special versions for energy measuring systems on rail vehicles
    according to EN 50463

  • High overload capacity
    without residual measurement failure

  • No influence from current peaks or neighboring cables
    due to the measuring principle

  • Low temperature coefficient
    and thus small measurement failure due to temperature influences

  • Safe electrical isolation and short response times
    through a combination with measuring transducers from Knick

  • Galvanic isolation between power section and control
    up to 3.6 kV working voltage / 15 kV test voltage

  • Conversion to standard signals
    ±20 mA, ±10 V, 4 to 20 mA

  • 5 year guarantee

The meticulously produced shunt resistors feature resistor rods made of manganin with low self heating and an exceptionally low temperature coefficient. The variants with a rated voltage drop of 30 mV distinguish themselves from the 50 mV or 60 mV versions thanks to more compact dimensions and significantly lower power dissipation, which greatly reduces the effort required for electrical enclosure cooling. Knick’s transducers and signal conditioners from the P41000, P51000, P29000, P27000, and BL591 series, which are adapted optimally to the shunt resistors, are available for current measurement.

The shunt resistors and associated shunt isolators achieve very good long-term stability, which guarantees the specified accuracy over the normal periods of application of many years. Current peaks do not cause any offset or drift. Protection equipment based on current measurement benefits from the reliability and long-term stability of the measurement and achieves a particularly high level of safety performance.



工作环境 温度: –10 ... 55 °C
功能: 用于测量电流的分流电阻
输入: 0 ... 1 A 至 0 ... 20 kA
输出: 0 ... 30 mV, 0 ... 50 mV, 0 ... 60 mV
尺寸(宽 x 长 x 高): 取决于输入值
产品类别: 通用隔离器 / 标准信号隔离器, 高压隔离放大器



[903] Data Sheet
Shunt Resistor for Direct Current Measurements from 1 A to 20 kA
Product Description | Specifications | Product Range
Version 02


[13916] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU170803A | 2017-08-03
Maconic M...S, M...HS

Installation guides

[14541] Installation Guide (DE, EN)
Sealing Maconic Shunt Resistors / Plombensicherung von Maconic Shunt-Widerständen
Version 01






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