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A20210 Sensor Transmitter | Input resistance thermometers, thermocouples, resistors and shunt voltages up to ±1000 mV


A20210 Sensor Transmitter | Input resistance thermometers, thermocouples, resistors and shunt voltages up to ±1000 mV

Standard transmitters for temperature measurement in a 6 mm housing using resistance thermometers or thermocouples.

  • Flexible use
    with common temperature sensors: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100, type J and K thermocouples
  • Intuitive configuration
    easy, without tools, using 4 rotary and 8 DIP switches
  • Calibrated range selection
    without complicated adjustment
  • Automatic detection
    of the sensor connection (2-, 3-, or 4-wire)
  • Protective separation
    according to EN 61140 – protection of the maintenance staff and down-stream devices against excessively high voltages up to 300 V AC/DC
  • High accuracy
    with innovative switching concept
  • Minimum space requirement
    in the enclosure – only 6 mm wide modular housing – more transmit-ters per meter of mounting rail
  • Low-cost assembly
    quick mounting, convenient, connection of power supply via DIN rail bus connectors
  • 5-year warranty 

The Task
In virtually all areas of industry, temperatures are continuously measured and often used as a reference input for closed-loop control systems, monitoring systems, safety shutdown systems, or for similar critical jobs. As a rule, high demands are placed on function, accuracy, flexibility and electrical safety. Different sensors are used depending on the measuring task. They provide a raw signal which is prepared, linearized and standardized for further processing using a temperature transmitter

The Problem
The range of standardized and commercial temperature sensors is extremely broad. The large number of sensors, connection variants, individual temperature ranges, different supply voltages, and required output signals call for very flexible transmitters that can be optimally suited to the different conditions. However, the required flexibility should not come at the price of complex operation. Rather, being able to easily make adjustments on site is desirable. High performance should not result in increased susceptibility – high reliability and availability are essential.

The Solution
The flexible A20210 temperature transmitters provide connection possibilities for most of the common thermocouples and resistance thermometers. They can be flexibly adapted to the respective measuring task using DIP and rotary encoder switches. 3-port isolation with protective separation up to 300 V AC/DC according to EN 61140 ensures optimum protection of personnel and equipment as well as unaltered transmission of measuring signals. The A20210 offer maximum performance in the smallest of spaces. Resistance thermometers can be operated in 2-, 3- or 4-wire configuration. The connection configuration is automatically recognized, adjustment is not required. Thermocouples can be detected with internal or external reference junction compensation. Input voltage signals up to ±1000 mV are converted into standard 0/4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V signals. This enables low-cost implementation of current measurements using shunt resistors, for example. Special measuring tasks can be solved with ThermoTrans devices which Knick configures according to individual specifications. Fixed-range devices without switch are used, for example, when manipulations or mix-ups must be precluded.  



AC/DC 电位隔离: 最高 300 V
工作环境 温度: 0 … 55 (65) °C
功能: 温度测量
输入: 热电偶, 电阻, 电阻温度计, 高达 ±1,000 mV 的分流
输出: 0 ... (±)5 V, 0 ... 10 V, 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA
最小测试电压: 2.5 kV AC
电源: 24 V DC
尺寸(宽 x 长 x 高): 6.2 x 93 x 101 mm
特点: 用于通过 PC 进行配置的接口, 适用于铂温度传感器和热电偶或 用于测量 mV 级分流电压的变送 器,采用 6 mm 外壳, 适用于高达 SIL 3 的安全电路, 通过旋转编码开关和 DIP 开关配 置,简单且直观
产品类别: 测量变送器



[13390] User Manual (DE, EN, FR, ES)
ZU 0677 (Power terminal block)
Version 03
[239] 操作说明书
Version 03


[229] 数据表
产品描述 | 规格 | 产品范围


[11418] Certificate of Compliance (UL)
No. 20181015-E220033 | 2018-OCTOBER-15
P32*00P0/**, A202*0P0..., BL520
[11256] CB Test Certificate
No. DE 2-036775 | 2022-10-11
P32000, P32100, P32200, P32300, A20210, A20220, A20230
[13789] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
A20210P0, P32100P0, A20220P0, P32200P0, A20230P0, P32300P0, P32000P0
No. EU231123A | 2023-11-23


[12154] Software (.zip)
ePLAN P8 Produktmakros
[11876] Knick Produktmakros (.pdf)
ePLAN Electric P8






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