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Knick 秉持“The Art of Measuring”理念,深知测量不仅仅是一个值。需要将复杂的技术整合到可靠的高质量设备之中。我们与客户保持互动与交流,深入了解客户的需求和偏好,从而为各种测量任务提供合适的解决方案。

Blue lettering with The Art of Measuring

KNICK GROUP & 销售合作伙伴


Knick 从事国际业务。我们的分公司和销售人员网络覆盖全球,因此,我们能贴近客户,与客户保持紧密联系,并在现场为客户提供高效支持。


欢迎来到 KNICK


Knick 在全球约有 250 名员工,他们热衷于创造卓越的测量解决方案。快来加入我们的团队吧!从行政管理到销售,我们诚邀有志之士共谋发展。我们在德国的生产基地也提供学徒名额。我们期待您申请求职。


Silver award symbol for Ecovadis rating in 2023


Knick 的社会责任和可持续性获得 EcoVadis 认证

Knick 是一家由所有者管理的家族企业,75 年来,一直致力于履行企业责任。企业价值观以及对产品和流程的高质量标准是我们的行动指南。信任、尊重和公平是我们建立业务关系的基础。

Knick 的可持续发展和企业社会责任管理系统被 CSR 评级机构 EcoVadis 授予银牌。该机构根据以下四个方面的 21 项标准对准则、实施情况和结果进行评估:环境、劳工及人权、商业道德、可持续采购。这些标准基于国际 CSR 标准。




关于 Knick 的最新信息

Knick Austria - direct customer contact in Austria from 2024

Reorganization of sales in Austria and new contacts in the field of process analytics and interface technology

Five times five times five results in running fun with team spirit and beaming photo smile

Knick participated in a Berlin running event with 25 people.

Knick Schweiz AG takes over Interface sales for Swiss customer

The Interface product group includes transmitters and transducers for demanding industrial applications.

Knick founds Swiss subsidiary

As a further milestone in strengthening international markets, Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG founded the subsidiary Knick Schweiz AG.

Knick in Review: Our Highlights of 2019

Here at Knick, 2019 has been year full of changes.

This was our 2018: A Review

We look back and remember the most important events of the past 12 months.

18th “Berliner Wasserbetriebe5x5 km Team Relay” from June 14–16, 2017

Full efforts for the team, followed by fun. This was the motto of the team relay, which took place on three evenings in the Berlin's Tiergarten park.

Sales Engineer at a Medium-Sized Company

Florian Koppe works as a Sales Engineer at Knick and tells us why he chose Knick and what his working day looks like.

Knick opens a new subsidiary to service North America

Knick Interface LLC will focus on delivering solutions for demanding applications, such as are found in railway and nuclear power industries.