Knick Products Comply With UL - What Does That Mean?

It is pretty universally agreed upon that electro-technical products, used in critical or dangerous applications, pose no danger, themselves. There are, however, different assessments and approaches to reach an adequate level of safety. Users and manufacturers of such products are typically on the “safe” side, if they comply with recognized standards.
In the US, UL standards are recognized as technical rules with a legal character
Underwriters Laboratories (UL for short) is an independent organization that develops safety standards and examines and certifies products for compliance with these standards. UL is also a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), designated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The safety of electro technical products concerns electrical safety. But of course, it applies to fire protection as well, because fires can be triggered by electrical energy. In particular, these two aspects, fire safety and electrical safety, will be checked by UL for a product certification.
Knick products sold in the US have been UL certified, either listed as a device by UL or recognized as a component. The products are marked with the corresponding UL mark. In addition to the “Standard for Industrial Control Equipment” UL 508, the standard UL 61010 “Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use” is also applied. UL6 1010 is largely harmonized with the corresponding international standard IEC 61010 and thus also the European standard EN 61010. In a globalized world, “stationary products” are transported across borders and used, so uniform standards are necessary.
For products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, there are additional requirements. It must be ensured that device components cannot produce sparks, which could potentially ignite explosive mixtures. Some of the Knick Interface products are certified by UL “For Use in Zone Classified Hazardous Locations”.
UL certified products can be viewed online at UL’s Online Certification Directory.
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