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A20340 Signal Multiplier | Input 0(4) … 20 mA or 0…10V | 4x 500 ohms output load


A20340 Signal Multiplier | Input 0(4) … 20 mA or 0…10V | 4x 500 ohms output load

Signal multiplier with four calibrated outputs, also for applications with high output loads.

  • Safety in the smallest space
    6-port isolation in 22.5 mm modular housing
  • Signal multiplication
    combined with signal conversion
  • Load increase
    up to 1000 ohms possible for inputs with high input impedances
  • Standards-compliant personal protection
    through protective separation according to EN 61140
  • Precise signal reproduction
    thanks to a short response time of T90 = 1 ms, even dynamic signal changes are accurately reproduced
  • Low-cost solution
    only one compact, low-cost device is required instead of four conventional signal conditioners

The A20340 signal multiplier is an extremely compact product that also provides a cost-effective solution to the problem. In this module, the input, all 4 outputs, and the power supply are safely decoupled from one another (six-port isolation).

In addition to “quadrupling” the analog signal, the A20340 is capable of calibrated signal transmission with signal isolation.

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Détails techniques

Catégorie de produits: Multiplicateur de signal



[16589] User Manual (DE, EN, ZH)
Version 02


[11272] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU220125I | 2022-01-25
A20300P0, A20340P0

Notre service

Utilisé dans les processus ou les applications

Amplificateurs séparateurs haute tension et convertisseurs de mesure pour l’acquisition et la conversion de signaux de courant, de tension, de température, de régime, de dilatation et de résistance.

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