Weniger Müll im Meer dank Knick

Wussten Sie, dass Schätzungen zufolge jedes Jahr durchschnittlich acht Millionen Tonnen Plastik in unseren Weltmeeren landen? Bildlich vorgestellt entspricht das ungefähr fünf Plastikeinkaufstüten pro 30 Zentimeter über alle Küstenlinien unserer Welt verteilt. Der meiste Abfall kommt dabei aus Landquellen über Flussmündungen ins Meer. Most of it is being swept into the sea directly from land sources via estuaries. It is a…

Two smiling Knick interface employees, a man in a checked shirt and a young woman in a blue blouse sitting at a table with electrical measuring devices and product brochures in front of them. they are sitting a bright office with a large window showing a skyline and a large palm tree outside

Knick subsidiary celebrates one year anniversary

„Our company is relatively new to the North American market. We opened our doors for business last April. Knick Interface was founded to bring Knick’s electrical interface technologies to the Northern American market; especially for customers that would see value with measurement or isolation of high voltages or have application needs for accurate conversions of non-standard output signals.“