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Sturdy 2-Electrodes Conductivity Sensor SE625 with Coaxial Electrodes made of Titanium

Sturdy 2-Electrodes Conductivity Sensor SE625 with Coaxial Electrodes made of Titanium
The semiconductor industry depends on the use of ultrapure water in its production, which must not be contaminated. To ensure this, Knick has developed a digital conductivity sensor with titanium electrodes and Memosens technology. The SE625 ensures reliable and accurate determination of the conductivity of ultrapure water in the semiconductor industry.
Digital conductivity measurement in ultrapure water
The cost of ultrapure water treatment in semiconductor production is high, therefore investing in good monitoring is very important to avoid errors in production. Producing companies in the semiconductor industry constantly measure the conductivity in the water to achieve the best results. Measuring electrodes made of titanium, such as those offered by Knick’s SE625 conductivity sensor, have proven particularly useful in this industry because of their durability and stability in the lower measuring range. In modern production plants, the digital provision of sensor data is also important, which Knick realizes via the integrated technology. Memosens sensors have an inductive plug connection which is protected against external interference. The measured value is digitized directly in the sensor and subsequently transferred to the transmitter. This increases process reliability and minimizes errors in the measurement. As part of Knick’s process sensor family, the SE625 can be connected to all Knick transmitters which can read Memosens sensors. This enables users to use existing process measurement technology. Due to the compact design without a fixed cable, the sensor can be easily replaced at any time. The Memosens technology together with the digital data acquisition ensures durability.
Pharmaceutical industry and power plants also benefit
The SE625 sensor is not only suitable for use in the semiconductor industry. It is also used in other applications. It is also used to measure the conductivity of ultrapure water for monitoring and controlling, in hydrogen production, and distillation. In pH measurement is implemented with differential conductivity. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical industry and many other industries also benefit from the kink process measurement technology for determining the conductivity of pure and ultrapure water.
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