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Process analytics seminar in Berlin

Process analytics seminar in Berlin

Process analytics in practice - first-hand knowledge

Our 2-day seminars are particularly suitable for further qualification or deepening the knowledge of technicians and engineers and include many practical exercises.

Participants will have many opportunities to discuss their questions with our application specialists.

The modular seminars include

  • Basics: Liquid analysis and measurement parameters
  • Measuring points: Design and troubleshooting
  • Sensors: Cleaning and calibration
  • Fittings: Maintenance and servicing
  • Transmitter: Selection, operation, communication and interfaces
  • Software: Parameterization and data documentation

Experience how the technical perfection of our products is created on an expertly guided tour of our production facilities.

For this reason alone: Berlin is worth a visit!

Seminars are only available in German! If you are interested in a seminar in your language, please contact your local partner.
