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37 Isolated Standard Signal Conditioner | Input 0(4) … 20 mA | Ex | Transmission of HART signals | Loop-Powered


37 Isolated Standard Signal Conditioner | Input 0(4) … 20 mA | Ex | Transmission of HART signals | Loop-Powered

For safe-area/hazardous-area isolation of 0 ... 20 mA standard signals without power supply

  • Galvanic isolation between input and output signal
    Protection against measuring errors caused by grounding problems and parasitic interference voltages
  • No power supply required
    Cost savings due to lower wiring effort, no mains interference
  • Very low residual ripple
    No interference of the connected measuring or control system
  • Explosion protection according to ATEX
  • High transmission accuracy
    Excellent pulse formation due to exact transmission of the measured values
  • Very low common-mode interference
    Prevention of incorrect measurements or failures caused by interference
  • Maximum reliability
    No repair or failure costs
  • 10 kV test voltage
  • Protective separation according to EN 61140
    Protection of the maintenance staff and subsequent devices against excessively high voltages
  • SMART transmission
    Bi-directional point-to-point transmission of digital data according to the HART specification
  • 5-year warranty

Knick loop-powered isolators for 0 ... 20 mA signal transmission. These modules are available as hazardous-area input and hazardous-area output isolators. Due to their patented design (German patent 3526997), they are considered to be the most reliable solution for isolating standard signals without an external power supply.

The 37A7 isolators are not only suitable as highly reliable isolators for normal applications, they also meet the most stringent requirements that can be set for potential isolation. There is no need for power supply wiring.

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Détails techniques

Communication (Sortie numérique): HART
Protection contre les explosions: Oui
Fonction: Transmission / Isolation de signaux normalisés
Catégorie de produits: Séparateur universel / séparateur de signaux normalisés



[14276] User Manual (DE, EN)
37 Isolated Standard Signal Conditioner
Version 02


[14160] Brochure
Aperçu des produits Technologie d'interface


[13687] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
WG 25 A7, Opt. ... & IsoTrans 37 A7, Opt. ...
No. EU210416A | 2021-04-16


[11876] Knick Produktmakros (.pdf)
ePLAN Electric P8
[12154] Software (.zip)
ePLAN P8 Produktmakros

Notre service

Utilisé dans les processus ou les applications

Amplificateurs séparateurs haute tension et convertisseurs de mesure pour l’acquisition et la conversion de signaux de courant, de tension, de température, de régime, de dilatation et de résistance.

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